Berny Unruh: Staying positive when times are tough – Hays Daily News


What is the secret to staying positive? Staying positive when times are tough is much easier said than done. Living a healthy lifestyle is very important but maintaining a positive attitude in todays world is even more important.

On Wednesday October 7, 2020 at 12:10 pm Berny Unruh will be presenting "Im Positive, Im Ok" at the Cottonwood Extension Office, 601 Main, in Hays. Come spend your lunch hour with us as we outline ideas to keep a positive outlook on life. The program will be concluded by 12:50 pm so participants can return to work. The program will be held in the large meeting room at the back of the Extension office and social distancing will be practiced.

Research has shown that optimism improves not only mental well-being but also physical health and that resilience and optimism can be associated with greater longevity. There are many ways to stay keep a positive outlook and the first one is to be around positive people and those that support you. That has been more difficult during the last six months but there are many ways to connect with people when you cannot physically be with them.

Hopefully this lesson will inspire you to make a checklist of the things that will help you live a more positive and successful life. An RSVP that you will be able to attend to the Extension Office 785-628-9430 or an email to would be greatly appreciated.

Berny Unruh is the Family and Community Wellness Agent for the Cottonwood Extension District.

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Berny Unruh: Staying positive when times are tough - Hays Daily News

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