Healthbeat: What is your relationship with exercise? –

Research has connected physical activity with a wide range of positive effects for us physically, mentally and emotionally. It also appears to reduce the risk of many health problems and helps to counter some of the aging process. That being said, it would seem as if there are only positive outcomes related to physical activity. For some individuals, however, that is not the case.

Is there a difference between the terms "physical activity" and "exercise"? "Physical activity" can be considered a more general term and be interpreted as any physical movement. "Exercise" might be better described as more formal or purposeful movement. For example, cleaning the house would fall under physical activity, while going to the gym to workout might be described as both physical activity and exercise.

As with eating, physical activity/exercise can become a negative when it no longer contributes positively to our health and quality of life. When exercise is done for other than pleasure, for some individuals it can begin to slip toward the negative. It may be helpful to ask yourself the question, "Why am I exercising?".

There is movement with a purpose such as yard work, chopping wood, house chores, walking the dog, etc. that might be part of lifes normal activities. Some physical activities help us to connect to our self, to others, to the outdoor environment, or can give us a needed mental break in the day. These are all part of a healthy lifestyle.

Are you exercising because you feel you should or because you want to? Do you feel guilty if you are not able to exercise daily? Does this cause your anxiety to increase? Is your pattern of exercise rigid so that you regularly give up time with family, friends, or social events in order to fit in your exercise? Do thoughts about your exercise plan take up a high percentage of your day and has it become one of your top priorities?

Do you have strict self-imposed exercise rules that you find difficult to change? Do you struggle with keeping your daily goals for exercise flexible? Are your self-esteem or sense of value impacted by how well you achieve your exercise goals? Do you tend to compete with yourself or others by continually increasing the demands you place on your body, such as the intensity, frequency, and/or duration of exercise? Instead of being a stress-buster, has exercise increased your stress? Does exercise cause a feeling of inadequacy (never good enough)?

Do you listen to your body as to when you should reasonably stop exercising due to fatigue or symptoms of overuse, or do you push though the full workout you have planned no matter what? If you have been unable to exercise for a period of time, do you start where you left off or do you begin at a lower level of exercise and then gradually increase back to your previous exercise level? Do you take care of your body by including both a warm-up and cool-down period each time you exercise? Are you attentive to fueling and hydrating your body appropriately before, during, and after the activity as appropriate?

Do you continue to exercise despite illness, pain, injury, fatigue, inadequate sleep, or tight time constraints? Are you unwilling to take at least one day off per week to allow your body to recover? Do you tend to ignore the fact that physical activities outside of your formal workout plan also count towards daily physical activity recommendations?

Are you using exercise as a reward, punishment, or compensation for less appropriate eating? If exercise did not change the appearance of your body, would you still do it? Do you restrict food intake on days when you are less active or do you instead provide the calories and nutrients needed for recovery?

When an unavoidable obstacle prevents you from exercising one day, does part of you feel relief? If you are truly honest with yourself, do you dread your workouts? As you anticipate a workout, how would you respond to the question, "Do I feel like moving right now?" Does the exercise that you do make you hate your body or appreciate what it can do?

A more positive approach to physical activity might be to create a plan that allows for flexibility and diversity of activities. This means it allows you to change the frequency, duration, intensity, what you choose to do, and the timing of your exercise. It lets you skip or lessen a formal workout on days where you are doing more exertive activities of daily life. Consider setting reasonable goals that let you make adjustments as needed based on how your body is feeling. Be self-compassionate and treat yourself well.

Try for mostly pleasurable activities or pair the less desirable ones with activities you do enjoy like exercising while listening to audiotapes or music you like, exercising while socializing with someone else, etc. Exercise for your own reasons with a target of better health, overall fitness, pleasure, and based on what is reasonable for you. Be purposeful about adequate sleep, time for recovery, sufficient fluid intake, and food intake to cover fueling and nutrient needs.

As you move your body, appreciate what it can do for you. Be physically active outdoors when possible to boost mood and as a chance to take more notice of the natural world around you. This can reduce the time spent in self-focus and allow you to feel part of the bigger life picture.

So in general, moving our bodies has the potential to contribute positively to our health and quality of life. Consider honestly reflecting on the questions above. What is your relationship with exercise? Is there anything you would like to change?

Pam Stuppy, MS, RD, CSSD, LD is a registered, licensed dietitian with nutrition counseling offices in York, Maine and Portsmouth, N.H. She has also been the nutritionist for Phillips Exeter Academy, presents workshops nationally, and provides guidance in sports nutrition. (See for more nutrition information, some healthy cooking tips, and recipe ideas).

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Healthbeat: What is your relationship with exercise? -

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