What We Are Eating Today: Sugar Math – Arab News

MARBELLA,Spain: A Spanish anti-ageing doctor is leading the way in prescribing a new medical discipline aimed at helping prevent disease and improving quality of life and longevity.

Dr. Alfonso Galan, of the Neolife Clinic in Marbella, believes age management medicine (AMM) should become the standard form of care in the 21st century.

A specialist in family and community medicine, Galan said AMM could help toward increasing life expectancy by optimizing biomarkers related to age and the ageing process.

The main difference from other specialties is that it focuses on health instead of illness, and we mean health in the way the World Health Organization described it 75 years ago: A state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing.

We aim for optimal values of excellence so that our patients are in the best possible state metabolic-wise, hormonal-wise, and in their minds and bodies for years and years to come, he added.

AMM treatment is based around the four pillars of exercise, nutrition, advanced supplementation, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, Galan said, with a focus on sleep and rest, stress management, and detoxification.

Patients will feel younger, more energetic, stronger, leaner, more capable of doing their daily tasks, coping better with life stress, also improving their libido and performance as well as better health for the arteries, bones, and joints.

We use supplements, scientifically proven to be effective and safe, instead of drugs to try and fix most issues and suboptimal biomarkers, whichallows us to minimize the risk of side effects a lot.

As for the hormone replacement therapy, we use bio-identical hormones, that is, molecularly identical to the hormones we are not producing properly, we also dont go over the normal physiological levels of a healthy young man or woman, he added.

The former emergency doctor pointed out that AMM also reduced the possibility of people suffering from age-related diseases such as osteoarthritis, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Medical assistant, Diana Bulimaga, from Marbella, said: It is not just another medical treatment, but an integral complex that helps to improve any aspects of life, body, and mind.

Nutritionist Alejandro Monzo said that the nutrition pillar of AMM could have a huge impact. We carried out a study monitoring and following up on the body composition of patients with individualized diets that are prescribed according to the patients profile and special needs.

The control of a healthy diet, the change of habits, the monitoring of physical exercise, and improving the relationship with food are the main objectives.

This change toward a healthy lifestyle is what helps patients to achieve a higher quality of life and disease prevention, Monzo added.

AMM treatments were designed for all ages, each was different, and they could be tailored to suit individual patients, said Galan.

Patients fromthe Middle East come especially to Marbella for Age Management Medicine treatment while on vacation and they continue with it once back home, he added.

Theres an increasing number of patients from the Middle East. I actually love to have them, because they know so much! In general, they are well aware of their health, what they can do to improve it and they have tried several strategies, several clinics and treatments to feel. They come with something theyve read or heard about or even tried, that provides us witha challenge, Galan said.

One patient, Marianna, currently undergoing an AMM program, said: My experience (of AMM) has been a turning point in my life. It has positively changed my whole mind and body, and I feel stronger physically and mentally.

Another 60-year-old patient said: Ive been in treatment for nineyears now, and before I used to be tired all day, it was hard for me to keep up with my work and family. I gained extra weight,I had lack of sleep, I was forgetting things and I was not concentrating much.

After doing a complete check-up, they gave me a treatment with various supplements, and different hormones. Everything has gotten better since then, my biological age now is sixyears less than what my ID shows, they added.

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What We Are Eating Today: Sugar Math - Arab News

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