
February 07, 2014

First, do no harm

Though these exact words are not in the Hippocratic oath, it is what medical students will hear on their first day of medical school and will probably be reminded for the rest of their lives.

Being a doctor in this day and age is not easy. Modern medicine has progressed leaps and bounds, offering treatment that was unthinkable in yesteryears. But with all the advancement, the health profession is under scrutiny like never before.

However, the core of being a doctor remains. To serve, to treat and to make lives better. Every doctor will have his or her own story and their own unique experience. I cannot tell students how to become a doctor, which is something they will have to learn by themselves. But I can certainly share my thoughts with them.

The studying years

Your time in medical school is your formative years. Think of entering medical school as the first step in a long journey, but no less rewarding. The goal is not just to graduate as doctors but also to learn and build on your knowledge. Make no mistake, you will need to put in the hours and studying hard cannot be avoided. But that does not mean you cannot enjoy the student life. Being a student is one of the best times of your life, enjoy it and make use of those years.

A hell called housemanship

Almost all doctors will tell you their housemanship years are the worst of their careers. Worst here is subjective. Though it will be a harsh reality from your student days, and you will be pushed to the limit, but please do not think this as a method to torture young doctors. What you do in these 2 years will define your career as a doctor. So take the chance to learn not only to be a safe doctor, but also how to balance your work and life. It is not hell if you make the best of it.

It is not a race

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