Yili Signs with Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games to become the First Healthy Food Enterprise with the Label of … – Markets Insider

BEIJING, Aug. 31, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- On the morning of August 30 (Beijing time), Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG) and Yili Group officially announced that: Yili Group will be the only supplier of dairy products for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Sticking to the idea of "Keep Climbing All the Way and Infuse Vigor into the Chinese Dream", put forward by its chairman Pan Gang, Yili rekindles the relationship with the Olympics andhas becomethe only food supplier for both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games - Yili has led the trail for the Chinese dairy industry.

Yili became the first and also the only dairy product sponsor for the Olympics starting in 2005. For over 12 years, Yili hasgrown along with the Olympics, has stood out as a top Asian dairy industry and the top eight worldwide. Today, Yili holds hands with Beijing 2022 Winter Games to engage in the invigoration of the Chinese Dream.

Participants said that Yili's partnership with the Winter Olympics will provide distinguished guests worldwide with the best products and services during the Games. Yili also advocates a healthy lifestyle and advertises winter sports, boosting the national health through deeds.

Yili echoes the Olympic Spirit in advancing the health development of human beings. Chinese Olympic Committee tries to promote health via sports, while Yili obtains this goal with quality product and services. This explains why COC chose Yili.

Pan Gang said that after the12-year cooperation, the Olympic Spirit "higher, faster, stronger" has already been integrated into Yili's genes. As indicated in the theme "Keep Climbing All the Way", Yili always seeks self-transcendence and has implemented such spirit into every development milestone. The cooperation between Yili and COC is based on the shared values and Yili's intention to let every customer enjoy their health. Yili is proud of providing services for global events and assisting the Chinese towards a healthy Chinese Dream.

Yili believes in "Yili represents the highest quality", andhas becomea global leader in the dairy industry through endless innovation andglobal strategies. It presented several impressive appearances on the global stage on behalf of Chinese enterprises. In terms of quality, Yili follows the "quality-first" strategy and introduces quality management to every partner of global production chains, forming a quality management system worldwide for healthy food that meets Olympian standards. In terms of innovation, Yili actively implements the "whole-chain innovation" strategy for the realization of the innovation and upgrading of the whole production chain and to establish "global smart line" for the introduction of global innovative resources. In terms of globalization, Yili, under the strategy of "global network", has initially created the establishment of a global resource network, a global R&D network and a global market network covering Asia, Oceania, Europe and America. It provides customers with quality products and services by the integration of the optimal resources of milk source, technology and talent.

Yili is committed to delivering a healthy lifestyle to over a billion customers. Joining hands with the Olympics again, Yili has become the first healthy-food provider worldwide that meets the "Both Olympics" standard. With this, Yili will embark on a new journey to transfer nutrition and vitality with Olympia quality, to accelerate the healthy Chinese Dream, and contribute to China's goal of building a prosperous society in all respects.

Photo - http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/550330/Yili.jpg

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Yili Signs with Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games to become the First Healthy Food Enterprise with the Label of ... - Markets Insider

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