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Four Parts:Choosing Healthy FoodsGetting Some ExerciseAvoiding Unhealthy HabitsRemembering Good HygieneCommunity Q&A
Being healthy involves more than eating an occasional salad or going for a short walk once every few weeks, but while you'll need to put in some effort, your health is well worth it. To live a healthy lifestyle, consistently choose healthy foods, fit more exercise and physical activity into your daily routine, and practice good hygiene. You'll also need to avoid unhealthy habits, like fad dieting and neglecting sleep. Making lifestyle improvements may require some gradual adjustment, but improved health is readily accessible once you commit to it. [1]
Part 1
Part 2
Exercise in your neighborhood. Go for a jog or take your dog for a walk. Make sure that you move at a moderate pace for at least 30 minutes.
Part 3
Part 4
Clean your feet. Make sure to scrub between your toes to prevent athlete's foot and unpleasant odors.
How can I stop myself from eating so much?
wikiHow Contributor
Eat a high calorie breakfast! This will decrease your hunger for the rest of the day as well as speed up your metabolism. Make sure you drink a lot of water, and drink a glass before eating, since you will become full faster. Using smaller plates has a psychological effect which decreases the amount of food you eat. Also, try to limit the amount of sugar and empty calories you take in and eat more lean protein which will keep you full longer and less hungry.
How many hours should teenagers sleep?
wikiHow Contributor
Teenagers should get between eight and ten hours of sleep each night to be healthy.
What foods that I can eat for a few days to cleanse my body?
wikiHow Contributor
Lemon, cucumber, and basically any kind of veggie.
Should I stop eating sourdough bread? Is it considered a white bread, and is it unhealthy?
wikiHow Contributor
You don't need to stop eating anything completely if you really like it; everything is okay in small doses. Sourdough isn't generally considered white bread; it's considered its own kind of bread, and some think it's healthier than plain white bread. Whole wheat bread is healthier, though.
What is a good atmosphere for a healthy lifestyle?
wikiHow Contributor
A good atmosphere for a healthy lifestyle includes being around other people that have the same drive to be healthy, not around those that encourage unhealthy behaviors. Also, maintaining a clean house (especially kitchen) will make you feel like you're more in control of your life and thus will help you lead a better life. Last but not least, remember that health is not a destination but a journey, so you must always be working towards a healthier body and life.
Is there an easy way to sleep well?
wikiHow Contributor
Yes. Just allot yourself enough time to get a good night's sleep. Stick to a regular sleep schedule as best as you can, rather than sleeping and waking up at different times from day to day. Do not exercise within 2 hours of sleeping. Do not eat large amounts of food before going to sleep. Avoid caffeine or sugary foods and drinks before sleeping. Try not to use your TV, computer, phone, tablet or any other screen shortly before sleeping. Dim your lights before you go to sleep. All of this, combined with living a healthier lifestyle all around should greatly increase your quality of sleep.
How can I lose fat in the thigh and tummy area?
How much sleep should I get if I am 12 years old?
wikiHow Contributor
12-year-olds need about 9-10 hours of sleep every night to be healthy.
What happens if I only get 4 hours of sleep a night?
wikiHow Contributor
Once in a while it really won't hurt you, but if it happens all the time your immune system will be affected, and you'll be more likely to get sick. You'll also be prone to fatigue, headaches, trouble concentrating, and other impairments.
Is jogging a way to lose drastic weight?
wikiHow Contributor
Yes, if you do it regularly and eat as few carbs as possible.
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Categories: Diet & Lifestyle
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Italiano:Avere uno Stile di Vita Sano,Espaol:vivir un estilo de vida saludable,Deutsch:Einen gesunden Lebensstil pflegen,Portugus:Viver um Estilo de Vida Saudvel,: ,Franais:adopter un mode de vie sain,: ,Bahasa Indonesia:Menjalani Gaya Hidup Sehat,Nederlands:Een gezond leven leiden,:,Ting Vit:Sng mt li sng lnh mnh,:
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