Meet Health Coach Ellie Goldenberg – Jewish Link of Bronx, Westchester and Connecticut

Health coach Ellie Goldenberg (Credit: Ellie Goldenberg)

Ellie Goldenberg started health coaching six years ago, helping her fathers medical patients lose weight, lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels. Today, Goldenberg is a certified health coach offering personalized weight-loss programs for everyone, including diabetics, seniors, teens and nursing moms; exercise programs to help maintain a healthy weight; personal training sessions; and online group exercise classes and fitness challenges. Goldenbergs motto is: Look Good, Feel Good with Coach Ellie.

Health and fitness has always been a part of my life, explained Goldenberg. I grew up in an active family of three brothers and know how to play many sports. We were always skiing, hiking or biking. Sundays were centered around some outdoor athletic adventure.

Goldenberg continued, An active lifestyle is different for everyone; sometimes it is climbing the stairs at work, sometimes parking further away at the grocery store to get more steps in, sometimes it is working out in your own home, or sometimes it is joining a gym.

I love my job as a health coach, she said. It allows me to listen to my clients, understand their health goals, find programs that best suit their needs, sensitivities, allergies, medical conditions, age, flexibility and family. I want them to not only be successful on their weight-loss journey but also feel in control of their health! When they start seeing progress, it creates positive energy. That energy leads to positive growth and a continued drive to create healthy lifelong habits.

Goldenberg realizes that challenges arise and life happens. People have busy schedules, families, events and holidays, which require added support to navigate. While consistency is optimal, she guides her clients on how to balance these events with healthy choices.

Goldenberg also believes exercise is a key for maintaining a healthy weight. Create an exercise schedule. Set time aside and do it, even if you are tired or you know it may not be your best workout, you just need to get it in. It is a habit that will lead to long-term success.

Fitness is important for the mind, too. A major part of weight loss comes from the mind. When you visualize your weight-loss goals, success is more likely in reach. Exercise clears our minds so we focus on our health through a mind-body connection, she added.

As a coach, Goldenberg guides her clients through their health programs and through their fitness journeys. I evaluate what works for their lifestyles and how they can be successful on a personalized program.

Goldenberg explained the range of her programs: I have private fitness challenge groups where I send out videos to the group, who exercise along with me on the video, on their own time, in their own home. They have the ability to interact with the group and ask questions, which creates group accountability and support.

For personal training, Goldenberg said, I work with clients one on one, and I am able to gear the session towards each persons ability. I use a combination of strength training and cardiovascular exercises. I give a fitness class through the Zoom App. I share the link with my clients and we exercise together as a group. I am in my home. You are in your home. All you do is click the link for this live class and exercise along with me.

Goldenbergs coaching empowers her clients to feel that they have healthy minds and healthy bodies. By creating a healthy lifestyle, I want to help my clients navigate dinners at home, and going out for dinner without feeling deprived, to feel included in all life activities because life happens. Goldenberg chooses programs that work with her clients goals and lifestyle, whether they work or stay at home.

Goldenberg, who is also an image consultant, defines success as when her clients are happy. When you look good and feel good, it translates into positive energy, which creates a snowball effect that encourages further success on their programs. It is also about making time for yourself and your own self-care. I have this discussion with moms all the time. We take care of our children and our homes, but often neglect ourselves. However, it is important to make time for yourself, dedicate it and block it out on your calendar. Sometimes that means waking up earlier to prepare a healthy breakfast, have a quiet cup of coffee, exercise or even a few minutes to meditate. Starting your morning off right can set the tone for the rest of the day.

To get in touch with Coach Ellie please email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

By Judy Berger

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Meet Health Coach Ellie Goldenberg - Jewish Link of Bronx, Westchester and Connecticut

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