Libertarians react to Jim Bunning’s standoff; Give the finger to Washington!

Bill Wilson, Americans for Limited Government

The simple reality is that the money to pay for extending unemployment benefits by $10 billion indefinitely does not exist on budget. Senator Bunning deserves credit for offering a proposal that does pay for it without steeping the nation further into debt...

Tim Daniel, Left Coast Rebel

In the most basic sense, he is holding Obama and the socialist-left in Congress to their own credo - PAYGO, passed just last month. The Democrat/Media/Industrial complex have all gotten together in a massive orgy to paint Bunning as an extremist and someone that 'wants to take the food out from the mouths of the unemployed'. This issue simply proves to me that we need smart, tough, intellectually based conservatives/libertarians in power coming up to bring this government back to fiscal sanity.

Jim Rose, Libertarian Popinjay

It's rare that you see a politician willing to take political and media abuse like what Senator Jim Bunning is taking right now...but he's doing it...and G-d bless him for it. Granted, Bunning has a reputation of being a bit of a hot-head, but damn it, that's what we need right now. He's asking the government to not spend money it doesn't have. What the hell is wrong with that?

Jack Liberty blog

government shouldn’t be involved in stealing money from some and giving it to others. If workers want benefits when they are unemployed, they should pay for some kind of market-based unemployment insurance.

Wes Messamore, Humble Libertarian

Jim Bunning's reason for blocking the extension of unemployment benefits is absolutely well-founded. He is asking the question we should ask of every appropriation: where is the money coming from to pay for it?

He doesn't oppose the unemployment extension, he is simply insisting that we pay for it with unspent money from 2008's appalling financial bailout package- money that would go to financial corporations if we don't give it to struggling Americans like Bunning suggests.

I'm tired of hearing welfare statists and warfare statists pretend to be fiscally responsible by complaining about the other's spending. I for one would like to see some fiscal sanity across the board.

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