Quix checks off another condition to build universal quantum computer – Bits&Chips

Researchers using Quix Quantums technology have successfully demonstrated the on-chip generation of so-called Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states, a critical component for the advancement of photonic quantum computing. The Dutch startup focusing on photonics-based quantum computing hails the result as a breakthrough that validates the companys roadmap towards building a scalable universal quantum computer.

The creation of GHZ states is necessary for photonic quantum computers. In a matter-based quantum computer, qubits are stationary, typically positioned on a specialized chip. By contrast, a photonic quantum computer uses flying qubits of light to process and transmit information. This information is constantly passed from one state to another through a process called quantum teleportation. The GHZ states entanglements across three photonic qubits are the crucial resource enabling the computer to maintain this information.

This milestone demonstrates the capability of photonic quantum computers to generate multi-photon entanglement in a way that advances the roadmap toward large-scale quantum computation. The generation of GHZ states is evidence of the transformative potential of Quix Quantums photonic quantum computing technology, commented CEO Stefan Hengesbach of Quix.

Quix next challenge is now making many of these devices. When comparing one GHZ state to a million GHZ states, think of it as the spark needed to create a blazing fire. The more GHZ states a photonic quantum computer contains, the more powerful it becomes, added Chief Scientist Jelmer Renema.

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Quix checks off another condition to build universal quantum computer - Bits&Chips

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