Letter: Yes to Green Growth | Opinion – Southern Pines Pilot

Yes, yes and yes! to Pinehursts conversation about green growth as reported by David Sinclair in his recent front-page article.

All communities in Moore County should be engaged in discussions about what value and vitality mean for the long term. Lets continue considering how we fit into a larger set of processes, including our natural environment which provides us with priceless essentials like clean water and air.

Living alongside nature in deep partnership now will ensure better lives for the generations who follow us.

Greta Nintzel, Whispering Pines

Publishers Note: This is a letter to the editor, submitted by a reader, and reflects the opinion of the author. The Pilot welcomes letters from readers on its Opinion page, which serves as a public forum. The Pilot is not in the business of suppressing public opinion. We are a forum for community debate, and publish almost every letter we receive. For information on how to make a submission, visit this page:https://www.thepilot.com/site/forms/online_services/letter/

See the original post here:
Letter: Yes to Green Growth | Opinion - Southern Pines Pilot

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