Six natural pain relievers readily available in your kitchen – The Standard

We are constantly advised against taking too many pain relieving medication as this can lead to some life threatening conditions.

More often than not we are plagued with stomach pains or headaches, probably from all the stress we have to deal with at work, not to mention the back pains from our poor sitting postures all day, every day.

As a result we are left with no option but to turn to pain killers for fast relief.

While this might seem convenient, your body will lose its natural way of fighting away pain which might leave you over-dependent on prescribed medication.

Before it gets that far, it is important to find more natural ways of boosting your immunity and helping your body fight away occasional pain triggers.

Here are some natural pain relievers readily available in your kitchen:

Whether you use it as a whole grain or in its powder form, turmeric is an amazing food compliment that will make dishes like rice and stew taste much better.

Did you also know that turmeric can relieve chronic pain and inflammation?

Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that speed up the healing process.

Nothing smells and tastes as good as finely chopped ginger. It is the perfect ingredient to add to most of your meals ranging from beverages to stews.

Ginger is widely used for muscle pain and nausea, it contains anti-inflammatory properties that speed up pain relief and it can boost joint and muscle function.

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Another ingredient that you should never run out of in the house is garlic, although it is mainly used as a cooking condiment it also has amazing pain relieving properties.

Using some garlic paste, rub it on a sore area especially on your back for a few minutes and relax.

Other than for inflammations, garlic can also be used for earaches and stomach bugs.

Have you ever walked into a massage parlour and wondered why they use aromatherapy?

For obvious reasons plant extracts are relaxing and make the experience more worthwhile but actually massage oils infused with plant extracts like peppermint can help in relieving muscles pains and tension.

Peppermint contains menthol responsible for the cooling effect on sore and aching muscles.

You probably prefer your grapes in a glass of wine but the fruit may actually help relieve back pain.

Grapes contain an antioxidant called resveratrol, which helps defend your back against cartilage damage.

It will also block and prevent the growth of enzymes responsible for tissue deterioration.

Last but not least are cloves, if you love Swahili dishes like pilau then you are aware of how important these are to your rice recipes.

Cloves may play an amazing role as a cooking condiment but it is a perfect toothache pain reliever as well.

They contain an active ingredient eugenol, which is a natural anesthetic that helps to numb and reduce pain caused by toothaches.

Original post:
Six natural pain relievers readily available in your kitchen - The Standard

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