Doctors said the quantity of red wine is helpful – The Times Hub

Doctors told about the benefits of dry red wine for health. It turned out that there are reasons to love this drink, experts have listed 5 of the most compelling of them.

Despite the fact that, in General, alcohol is harmful, in its reasonable consumption of doctors see the benefit. When the prescribed amounts of from 100 to 150 ml a day relieves stress and improves mood. Also a glass of red wine can relax the muscles and to overcome depression. Helps drink and slow down the aging process, protecting cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.

The presence of dry red wine natural antioxidants of resveratrol and quercetin will help to improve the condition of the skin. You can use wine and lose weight. According to research by American scientists, ladies who consumed per day one drink, suffer less from extra pounds. The resveratrol contained in the drink, transforms fat into energy by burning calories.

Rich in polyphenols strengthens the immune system, and low share of alcohol and have an antibacterial effect. Resveratrol the flavonoids quercetin and lower risks of stroke and heart attack. Their activity improves the heart muscle, strengthens blood vessels and reduces blood the amount of harmful cholesterol.

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Doctors said the quantity of red wine is helpful - The Times Hub

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