Resveratrol | Which Works Best | Facts About Side Effects

What Is Resveratrol?

It is a compound found naturally in foods such as grapes, nuts, red wine, peanuts, some berries, and possibly in other fruits and plants. As a result of the large amount of publicity about the French Paradox Study discussed on the website, researchers investigating the potential positive effects of red wine consumption eventually focused on resveratrol, one of the substances found in red wine. Other studies followed and the research continues today

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Selecting the highest quality supplement is not easy. The science and research is exciting, but new. There has been some excellent work done by many researchers on the potential health benefits, and we have included a number of videos on this site in unedited form and in full for you to examine. Its very impressive stuff, but we let the real experts do the talking. So, we dont extrapolate their views and delve into hype like you will see on most of the other websites. Please view those videos right here on this website. They are loaded with unbiased, non-commercial information from scientists, researchers and experts.

If you decide that supplementation is right for you, then the problem becomes choosing the best supplement. Thats not so easy and we hope to help.

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Check out the page titled Resveratrol Benefits and watch the highly informative story on 60 Minutes on this website, as well as the in-depth interviews of pioneering-researcher, David Sinclair on The Charlie Rose Show. Its all here for you too see and examine for yourself, without any hype from us. There are also many links to prominent news stories in the most respected news outlets and organizations, such as the NIH (National Institute of Health). You will find many links to important resveratrol articles from leading publications and leading resources listed here, all in one place for your convenience.

This is all very exciting and impressive but once you have decided whether or not to use supplements containing this substance, there is still the problem of choosing the right supplement.

Avoid supplement products which are made from low-purity trans-resveratrol, because they contain unacceptably high amounts of Emodin. Emodin can act as a laxative and cause stomach cramps and intestinal distress. Read more about it on this website.

Avoid products that contain additional ingredients such as additives, fillers, or other substances.

Avoid any supplement when the label says it contains a proprietary blend. If there is no ingredient label displayed, you dont want it. If the company wont tell you what is in it, you shouldnt take it.

And please, save yourself a lot of aggravation and be sure to absolutely

Avoid free offers. Please read our detailed warnings on these free offer schemes.

Is this unique compound the anti aging secret to controlling the aging process? Can a person in their 80s move and feel like a person in their 50s? Studies have shown that this molecule has offset the effects of high caloric intake in mice and extended their longevity. Will the same effect take place in humans? Can resveratrol supplements prevent diseases associated with aging? Are anti aging and reduced incidence of disease realistic benefits of this substance? Does it help with weight loss? Watch the videos on this website with noted scientists and science writers and hear the facts from them about where the research stands now.

In Vino Sanitus in wine there is health

There was a report some years ago on the TV program 60 Minutes about a study that examined what is known as the French Paradox Study. The French Paradox Study demonstrated that the folks in France were less likely to die from heart disease even though they consumed high fat diets. It was noted in the study that the French consumed large amounts of red wine and the theory developed that the red wine somehow protected the hearts of the wine drinking French people.

Numerous other studies followed and the substance attracted much scientific interest as the possible compound in red wine that may be an important factor in the positive heart healthy effects.


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Resveratrol | Which Works Best | Facts About Side Effects

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