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Eniva ResVante is is a highly specialized liquid trans-resveratrol dietary supplement formulated with BOTH high-potency trans-resveratrol and a proprietary blend of red wine and citrus flavonoids.

High-potency compound that supports healthy aging* A potent antioxidant that supports cardiovascular health* Supports healthy mitochondrial biogenesis and function* Aids in sustained muscle function* Helps to counteract muscle fatigue and supports muscle recovery after exercise* Supports energy and stamina* Mimics the effect of calorie-restricted diets with promoting longevity* Supports a healthy weight* Aids immune system function* The benefits of red wine without the alcohol*

Eniva ResVante Reserve is a highly concentrated, non-alcoholic, trans-resveratrol dietary supplement formulated to support healthy aging.*

ResVante contains 99% ultra pure trans-resveratrol at a clinically effective and potent concentration. ResVante also contains a specialized phytonutrient and proprietary red wine complex designed to enhance trans-resveratrol action in the body, supporting cardiovascular and neurologic health.* and is the first and only trans-resveratrol liquid RESERVE formulation now available to the public!

The Potency Factor The Nutrient Delivery Factor The Safety Factor The RESERVE Factor

The Potency FactorWhile trans-resveratrol is found in red wine, it is in a very low concentration. Researchers have found the amount of trans-resveratrol needed to significantly activate human genes in clinical studies vastly exceeded the amount of wine that would ever be healthy to drink. ResVante contains 99.9% pure, validated trans-resveratrol at a clinically effective and potent concentration. It provides proven cofactor synergy through the presence of concentrated natural phytonutrients from resveratrol-containing fruits and a proprietary red wine complex.

The Nutrient Delivery FactorResveratrol is a nutrient that is only moderately absorbed from the human gut and the absorptive efficiency of the body decreases as we age. Unlike tablet and pill products, the advanced nutrient delivery system of ResVante solves this issue through its proprietary and "activated" liquid design which maximizes the absorptive potential of trans-resveratrol. ResVante contains specialized red wine complex nutrients to promote prolonged use by the body through metabolic channeling.

The Safety FactorMost resveratrol used in nutritional products is of low quality and imported from questionable locations where quality and human rights are not a priority. Plus, the manufacturing locations of the finished store-shelf products are often kept hidden from the consumer, even within the United States. ResVante provides 99.9% pure, validated trans-resveratrol free from pesticides and other contaminants. ResVante contains trans-resveratrol sourced from the wine country of France and comprehensive pesticide, herbicide, heavy metal and microbial testing is performed on all ResVante phytonutrient ingredients. Manufactured in the USA at the Eniva Nutraceutics state-of-the-art FDA-inspected facility under strict governmental GMPs, ResVante contains no fillers or binders, no additives, no artificial flavors or colors, no animal products.

The RESERVE FactorOnly ResVante delivers validated trans-resveratrol from the French wine country in an activated liquid design with synergistic cofactors and a proprietary red wine extract complex (RWEC). ResVante is nitrogen flushed for maximum protection and freshness.

Trans-resveratrol is the secret, age-defying and health-promoting nutrient found within red wine. The discovery by a Harvard Medical School researcher shows that concentrated resveratrol activates human genes responsible for longevity, survival and cardiovascular health, has triggered worldwide research into this powerful health-sustaining substance.

Resveratrol molecules have been shown to turn on the pathways that repair DNA celluar damage to slow the aging process. The important factors of resveratrol potency and concentration are key to its effect. The outstanding health benefits recently discovered have been uniquely experienced from using concentrated resveratrol. Researchers are tapping into the natural matrix whereby resveratrol, made by plants to protect themselves from stress, transfers these natural benefits to significantly support health.*

Resveratrol has been shown to extend the lifespan of various species, most recently demonstrated in mice fed a high calorie diet.

In studies of lifespan and aging in vertebrates (fish and mice), other positive effects of resveratrol were also shown:

Maintenance of nurocognitive function* Improved balance, sensory-motor coordination and endurance*

Additional study of genes in these animals suggest resveratrol works through various mechanisms including those that alter energy metabolism and cell survival.*

Resveratrol appears to have an effect on similar genes as caloric restriction, a model known for reducing the effects of aging.*

Resveratrol is a natural and powerful antioxidant, a polyphenol, most notably found in red wine, found to counteract the aging effects of free radical damage. It helps activate your body's natural defense mechanism and provides nutrients to support total wellbeing.* The outstanding health benefits of recently discovered resveratrol have been uniquely experienced with consumption of appropriate concentrated resveratrol.* Research also indicates that resveratrol mimics the life-lengthening effects of calorie restriction without dieting.*

Grapes and wine Cranberries Peanuts Mulberries Blueberries Giant knotweed (Polygonum Cuspidatum) Jackfruit

Aqueous Stabilization: Eniva's liquid proprietary nutrient stabilization process.

Scientific References: Data on file, Eniva Corporation, 2017.

* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Eniva Nutraceutics has no affiliation with Harvard University. Nor does Harvard University endorse ResVante.

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