Stem Cell Clinical Trial for Heart Failure: Eduardo Marban – CIRM Spotlight on Disease – Video

21-12-2011 10:03 CIRM has funded a $5.5 million Disease Team to develop a follow on clinical trial that uses a patient's own heart stem cells to regenerate scarred tissue damaged by a heart attack. The team is led by Eduardo Marban, MD, PhD, Director of the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute. Marban presented the team's latest progress at the December 8th, 2011 CIRM Governing Board meeting. Fred Lesikar, a participant in a current trial, also spoke to Board and described the dramatic improvement he's experienced since receiving his heart stem cells two years ago. The speakers were introduced by Shlomo Melmed, MD, and Jonathan Thomas, PhD, JD. Melmed is a CIRM Governing Board member and Senior Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Medical Faculty at Cedars-Sinai. Thomas is Chair of the CIRM Governing Board.

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Stem Cell Clinical Trial for Heart Failure: Eduardo Marban - CIRM Spotlight on Disease - Video

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