What is Klaus Hargreeves power in The Umbrella Academy? – Netflix Life

The self-described spiritual one of the Hargreeves siblings and The Umbrella Academy, Klaus Hargreeves (Robert Sheehan) has several powers and abilities that revolve around death and the void.In The Umbrella Academy season 3, Klaus finally starts to learn more about his abilities with some surprising assistance from an unlikely source.

Spoilers ahead for The Umbrella Academy season 3

In the third season, the new, alternate-timeline version of Reginald Hargreeves (Colm Feore) opts to assist his son with learning how to control his powers, namely his immortality. The show has strongly hinted at Klaus immortality in previous seasons, but it really delves into it in the latest batch of episodes and confirms, without a doubt, that Klaus is immortal and has died and come back many times already.

But what is the extent of Klaus powers?

Klaus can communicate with the dead. However, when he was a child, Reginald locked him in a crypt with a bunch of ghosts, so he has always been more hesitant to use his abilities due to fearing the undead. The only ghost we have seen him communicate with on a consistent basis is his brother, Ben Hargreeves (Justin H. Min). But Reginald has always suggested that Klaus is unaware of his true potential.

Its not just that he can talk to spirits like a medium, but Klaus is also able to conjure spirits. He did so with Reginald and weve seen him do it with other ghosts in different circumstances, summoning them to help him mid-battle or otherwise. In the second season, Klaus also starts interacting with Ben in a more physical capacity, even allowing Ben to take possession of his body for brief spells.

The third season really digs into Klaus immortality. After Stanley(Javon Wanna Walton) accidentally kills Klaus with a harpoon gun in the White Buffalo Suite, Klaus finds himself in the void where he meets the spirit of his mother. Later, he and Reginald try to figure out how Klaus can die and return to life more quickly, ultimately teaching Klaus how to successfully resurrect himself within just minutes of death. We learn that many of Klaus brushes with death from the past were really him dying and coming back to life.

Klaus increased mastery of his powers is shown at the end of The Umbrella Academy season 3 when he creates a safe place for Luthers spirit(Tom Hopper) and travels to Hotel Oblivionfrom the void to assist his siblings.

The Umbrella Academy season 3 is now streaming on Netflix.

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What is Klaus Hargreeves power in The Umbrella Academy? - Netflix Life

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