What is the Olympic Hymn, the choral cantata composed for the first-ever Summer Olympics in 1896? – Classic FM

19 July 2021, 13:39 | Updated: 19 July 2021, 14:31

The official anthem of the Olympics is heard when the Olympic flag is raised and lowered at the opening and closing ceremonies.

This is the story of the stirring choral anthem that marked the first-ever modern Olympic Games in 1896 and will mark the Games as they return in 2021.

The Olympic Hymn is a choral cantata composed by Greek opera composer Spyridon Samaras, with lyrics by the Greek poet Kostis Palamas.

It was written for the first summer Olympic Games in modern history, which took place in Athens and saw fourteen nations, and over 200 athletes, compete in the Greek capital.

It was Demetrius Vikelas, the first president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), who chose both artists to pen this important work. The hymn was first heard during the Opening Ceremony of the first instalment of the games, which was formally called the Games of the I Olympiad.

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For the following Olympics, nations took on the tradition of commissioning their own anthems for ceremonies, until 1956 when the hymn was used again. In 1958, the IOC declared Samaras Olympic Hymn the official anthem of the games, and it was sung, in its English version, at the 1960 Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley in the US.

The Olympic Hymn from then on had an important place in the meticulously laid-out opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics, the rigorous orders of which have been determined and entrenched by the IOC. Since being declared the official anthem, the hymn has been heard at every Olympic games during the Opening Ceremony as the Olympic Flag is raised, and during the Closing Ceremony when the flag is lowered.

The IOC decreed that the Olympic Hymn should be performed in Greek or English, or else in the host nations language as long as it was translated from the original Greek of Palamas pen.

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The piece itself is an optimistic, brass fanfare-fronted choral cantata in a major key. It has an invigorating melody that embodies strength and hope.

The songs words are also drenched in unfailingly uplifting messages of hope, bravery and victory, telling of the immortal Olympic Flame and how it can unite, inspire and bring honour as it lights the way for nations and our sporting heroes, as they come together every (mostly) four years.

With that, lets take a look at the rousing lyrics.

Olympian flame immortalWhose beacon lights our wayEmblaze our hearts with the fires of hopeOn this momentous day

As now we come across the worldTo share these Games of oldLet all the flags of every landIn brotherhood unfold

Sing out each nation, voices strongRise up in harmonyAll hail our brave OlympiansWith strains of victory

Olympic light burn on and onOer seas and mountains and plainsUnite, inspire, bring honour

To these ascending gamesMay valour reign victoriousAlong the path of golden way

As tomorrow's new champions now come forthRising to the fervent spirit of the gameLet splendour pervade each noble deedCrowned with glory and fame

And let fraternity and fellowshipSurround the soul of every nation

Oh flame, eternal in your firmament so brightIlluminate us with your everlasting lightThat grace and beauty and magnificence

Shine like the sunBlazing aboveBestow on us your honour, truth and love

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What is the Olympic Hymn, the choral cantata composed for the first-ever Summer Olympics in 1896? - Classic FM

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