Who The MCU’s Most Powerful Villain Is (Besides Thanos) – Screen Rant

As powerful as Thanos is with the Infinity Gauntlet, other MCU villains naturally outclass him with mystical abilities and extradimensional abilities.

Thanos is thequintessential villain of theMarvel Cinematic Universe, but there are more powerful MCU antagonists than the Mad Titan. As the MCU's scope grew throughout the years, the power level of both heroes and villains increased accordingly. Tony Stark'sopponents went from a businessman in an iron suit to a fire-breathinggenius anda near-omnipotent AI. The MCU's expansion intoouter space and different dimensionsonlyreinforced this difference.

Ever sinceThorandThe Avengersevidencedthe reach ofthe Asgardians' magic abilities, it has been evident that power is not only a question of raw strength. Magic, size, immortality, and even personality need to be taken into account in order to understand how powerful a character really is.For instance,Thor could have wielded the Infinity Gauntlet inAvengers: Endgame, but Smart Hulk was more mentally stableat the time. Thenature of a character's abilities also explainswhy Captain Marvel could punch any other hero into oblivion but Scarlet Witch could twist her spine with a flick of her wrist.

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As omnipotent as Thanos is with the Infinity Stones, many other MCU villainsarenaturally more powerful. His formerservantRonan the Accuser was able to wield the Power Stone with minimal resistance, and only stayed under Thanos' command due to hishiddenmotivations. Similarly, Ego the Living Planet could have easily wiped out the Earth as easily as hedid with otherplanets, but hisdesire to take over the entire universe led him topursue Star-Lord and lose against the Guardians of the Galaxy before he could achieve it. That leaves Hela, Surtur, and Dormammu, threemysticalbeings with extremely long lifespans and a near-unlimited amount of power and it's only the latter that can claim to be the most powerful.

Eons ago, Odin defeated Surtur by himself, but with Odin past his prime - and even worse, gone- Thor demonstrated that both Surtur and Hela are strong enough that even he, the second strongest Avenger, couldn't defeat either of them inThor: Ragnarok. Only they could defeat one another. However, Surtur can only be so powerful when merged with the Eternal Flame while wearing his crown. Thor: Ragnarokalso proved howHela can be defeated by way of humongous Fire Demon. So, the one MCU villain to go untouchedby almost any weapon is Dormammu.

Dormammu is virtually unbeatable in the MCU because he's not really part of it. By nature alone, Dormammu spans his own entirerealityas a trans-dimensional entity. He warpsits very fabric tocreate his face anduse his powers, he can bestow occult abilitieson beingsfrom different universes, and he's described by The Ancient One as beingolder than time itself. The only obstacle that stops him from annihilating the MCU before anybody has a chance to blink is that he can't simply go ahead and enter it. That's why herecruited Kaecilius beforeDoctor Strangethwarted his plans thanks to sheer persistence. Sure,Dormammu suffered the least violent defeat in the entire franchise due to this tiny hindrance, but then again, it would have been impossible for Thanos to erase half of all life if he didn't get a bejeweled glove.

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Who The MCU's Most Powerful Villain Is (Besides Thanos) - Screen Rant

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