Toughest clock to reset is my body clock – Alton Telegraph

Toughest clock to reset is my body clock

We waved farewell to daylight saving time last weekend. If you miss it, dont worry. It will be right back in about 4 more months. So why do we bother adjusting the clocks in the first place?

Daylight saving time was originally marketed as a way to save energy. Is that really even true? I have to adjust two car clocks, three wall clocks, my wristwatch, an oven clock, and a microwave clock. (Mickeys hands especially give me a lot of trouble on my wristwatch.) I spend so much time running around the house finding and adjusting clocks, that when Im finshed Im so exhausted I need to rest for at least an hour. Does that sound like it saves any energy to you?

Not only that, it usually takes me more than an hour to do all this, so instead of saving an hour, I usually lose one. Then four months later I can do it all over again and lose two hours.

The only clock I cant seem to adjust correctly is my body clock. Unlike the regular kind, mine takes 2-3 days to get the time right. Part of that has to do with the fact that I always have trouble figuring out which is my big hand and which is my little hand. They always look the same size to me.

Daylight saving time has been around since World War I which makes it seem like the Middle Ages to millennials. It outlasted that war, managed to outlive another world war and survives to this day. Nothing seems to be able to kill it. I think if a cockroach and daylight saving time got into a fight over immortality, the cockroach would lose.

Daylight saving time is worse than money in the bank, because just like money in the bank it is generating less and less interest. Id rather stay on daylight saving time all year and abolish standard time altogether.

The idea of the bodys adjusting to time differences has to do with its so-called circadian rhythm. That means your body wants to be awake when the sun is up and asleep when the sun is down. This is exactly the opposite of what teenagers want their bodies to do. I guess you can say they have no circadian rhythm, which makes sense considering their taste in music these days.

And when you mess with your circadian rhythm it can lead to weight gain, impulsivity, slower thinking, and other physiological and behavioral changes. That pretty much describes me to a T.

And finally if you ask me, this whole moving the hands backwards one hour on your watch isnt very clock-wise.

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Toughest clock to reset is my body clock - Alton Telegraph

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