Our Thought AdjustersPart 19: The Attainment of Immortality – BlogTalkRadio

This week we resume our study with the fourth paper in this series on the Mystery Monitors, we'll be readingPaper 110, Relation of Adjusters to Individual Mortals,7. The Attainment of Immortality. This last section isthe study of our attainment of eternal union with our Thought Adjuster and its implications.

When a human being has completed the circles of cosmic achievement, and further, when the final choosing of the mortal will permits the Adjuster to complete the association of human identity with the morontial soul during evolutionary and physical life, then do such consummated liaisons of soul and Adjuster go on independently to the mansion worlds, and there is issued the mandate from Uversa which provides for the immediate fusion of the Adjuster and the morontial soul. This fusion during physical life instantly consumes the material body; the human beings who might witness such a spectacle would only observe the translating mortal disappear in chariots of fire.

Most Adjusters who have translated their subjects from Urantia were highly experienced and of record as previous indwellers of numerous mortals on other spheres. Remember, Adjusters gain valuable indwelling experience on planets of the loan order; it does not follow that Adjusters only gain experience for advanced work in those mortal subjects who fail to survive.

Subsequent to mortal fusion the Adjusters share your destiny and experience;they are you.(1212.35)110:7.24,

The ear of the human mind is almost deaf to the spiritual pleas which the Adjuster translates from the manifold messages of the universal broadcasts of love proceeding from the Father of mercies. ...toan animal mind so completely dominated by the chemical and electrical forces inherent in your physical natures. (1213.1) 110:7.6


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Our Thought AdjustersPart 19: The Attainment of Immortality - BlogTalkRadio

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