Week 14: Disability Studies – Video

Week 14: Disability Studies
Mike Selck, Senior at SIUC presenting on Disability Studies Disability Studies- What does it mean? This is a complex relationship- has to hold both social and individual perspectives in a unique balance. Disability as a social construct- Interesting notion because the first thought here is how? What is it about my rhetoric or language uniquely responsible for the existence of a disability? That question is important to answer what a Disability truly is. I wont cite many authors here, but I feel that this one is necessary. Disabled Persons International a) Disability is the functional limitation within the individual caused by physical, mental, or sensory impairment, and b) Disability as the loss or limitation of opportunities to take part in the normal life of the community on an equal level with others due physical or social barriers. Impairment is defined as a form of biological, cognitive, sensory or psychological difference that is define often within a medical context. And disability is the negative social reaction to those differences. Identifying the Oppression is key- Disablism and or/ both and ableism. This perspective comes from a unique form called the Social Barriers Approach- Models like the medical model hold that a body becomes disabled because of the presence of impairment. -For instance my dad had to use a wheelchair because of his Multiple Sclerosis. The medical model indicates my dad #39;s body was disabled because he had MS and used a wheelchair ...From:criticalpraxisViews:147 2ratingsTime:33:12More inEducation

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Week 14: Disability Studies - Video

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