Volunteers do home improvements for people with multiple sclerosis

Readmore: Local, Health, News, Multiple Sclerosis, Beth Farrell, Fayetteville, Home Improvements, Multiple Sclerosis Society

Volunteers with the Upstate New York chapter of theMultiple Sclerosis Societywere lending a helping hand on Saturday. The goal was to provide home improvements for people with multiple sclerosis.

Beth Farrell, who lives in Fayetteville, has struggled with multiple sclerosis for about 20 years, but she says this past year, her symptoms took a turn for the worse, putting her in the hospital.

"I couldn't walk or anything, and my whole body basically shut down on me," says Farrell.

Farrell is back home now, but the work around the house has piled up, so volunteers spent the day helping her out.

Farrell's daughter Courtney says she's grateful for the help.

"Some of the things that someone might do day to day become hard for her to do," says Courtney. "To have all of these people help its incredible, amazing."

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Volunteers do home improvements for people with multiple sclerosis

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