Do more for people with dementia, advocates urge

Dementia advocates are urging the province to do more for people with the disease after a man with Alzheimer's went missing for five days, leaving a nursing home in Stephenville and then travelling to New Brunswick. The man was found safe in Saint John.

The Alzheimer Society of Newfoundland and Labrador said the province needs to prepare for a growing population of people with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

One of the greatest needs said executive director Shirley Lucas is additional housing.

"If we were to look at the baby boom population, we know that the existing care that we have out there isn't going to meet that demand," Lucas added.

She said new and innovative ways need to be found to provide proper care.

"It's time to look at different housing options, such as secured units for patients," said Lucas.

Because people with Alzheimer's and dementia experience many stages in their illness, there is no onefit solution, she added.

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Do more for people with dementia, advocates urge

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