University of Arizona Awarded the 2022 Beckman Scholars Program – University of Arizona News

Undergraduate researchers of today are the scientists of tomorrow. Supporting students to be independent, critical thinkers is essential, and giving them access to research opportunities helps to strengthen their own futures as well as the future of scientific research. As part of this effort, the Beckman Scholars Program provides the opportunity for exceptional undergraduate students in the chemical and biological sciences to grow as scientists through independent research and mentoring.

A prestigious award, the Beckman Scholars Program is only awarded to a handful of institutions that meet the criteria. These institutions must demonstrate a commitment to undergraduate research, have successfully competed at the national level for scientific research funding, and have dedicated faculty who have demonstrated an outstanding ability to mentor undergraduate students. As such, it is a great honor that one of this years 2022 Beckman Scholars Program grants has been awarded to the University of Arizona following a competitive process administered by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation. Pictured right are UArizona's last four Beckman Scholars: Catherine Weibel, Amanda Warner, Randall Eck, and Jamie Takashima.

The 2022 UArizona Beckman Scholars Program is being led by Dr. Daniela Zarnescu, a Molecular and Cellular Biology faculty member and experienced Beckman Mentor. Faculty mentors are drawn from three UArizona departments within the College of Science: Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Molecular and Cellular Biology. The Program will be housed under the Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP) and administered by Ms. Marisa Lester, UBRP Assistant Program Director. UBRP is an ongoing UArizona research initiative that has been on campus since 1988 and is designed to teach students science by involving them in research. UBPR will provide additional support for the selected Beckman Scholars by integrating them into a peer network of fellow undergraduate researchers as well as having the scholars participate in and co-lead workshops.

The 2022 award supports six undergraduate students, two a year for three years. Beckman Scholars will be selected through a careful process that includes an original research proposal that demonstrates the students creativity, analytical skills, and familiarity with the scientific process. Selected scholars will work with a faculty mentor on an independent research project. These mentors, who are also members of UBRP, were recruited based on their scientific expertise, experience working with undergraduates, and demonstrated mentoring commitment. The new scholars will also be supported by previous Beckman Scholars.

As part of the program, Beckman Scholars are encouraged to author a peer-reviewed publication of their research. This will help the students to develop their scientific writing skills as well as to better understand the peer-review process. Scholars will also develop leadership and professional skills by inviting and arranging for an eminent scholar to speak each year at a Beckman Lecture. These speakers will be supported by committed funds from Dr. Betsy Cantwell, the UArizona Senior Vice President for Research. Additionally, the scholars will communicate their research with the public through appearing on the weekly KXCI Community Radio program Thesis Thursday.

An important aspect of the recruitment and selection of scholars and mentors is a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Ethnic and racial minorities, people with disabilities, and first-generation students are often underrepresented in scientific research programs. As such, the 2022 Beckman Scholars Program will actively recruit and select students from the diverse student body of the University of Arizona. Additionally, Beckman mentors of the program represent a diverse group of faculty across the three participating departments.

Beckman Scholars are leaders amongst their peers and significant contributors to their respective areas of research. Beckman alumni have continued onward to professional and graduate programs at some of the world's more prestigious institutions. Receiving this award showcases the excellence in undergraduate research at the University of Arizona. For more information about the program at UArizona and the application process, please visit:

By:Christine Acosta

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University of Arizona Awarded the 2022 Beckman Scholars Program - University of Arizona News

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