Webinar to explore equine blood tests and what the results mean – Horsetalk.co.nz – Horsetalk

Haematology and biochemistry results in equines: Interpretation and significance will cover the standard haematology and biochemistry tests performed at most laboratories.

The latest free webinar hosted by the Webinar Vet will take a look at equine blood tests and what the results mean.

Haematology and biochemistry results in equines: Interpretation and significancewill look at the standard haematology and biochemistry tests performed at most UK laboratories and discuss interpretation with regards to organ systems and significance. Factors affecting certain parameters will be indicated as appropriate.

Haematology and biochemistry results in equines: Interpretation and significance is being presented by veterinary clinical pathologist Dr Stacey A Newton, an internal medicine and equine neurology expert. It is sponsored by Nationwide Labs.

Register for the webinar, on Wednesday, February 9, at 12.30pm (GMT).

Dr Stacey Newton, BVSc Cert EM (Int Med) PhD FRCPath MRCVS, qualified from the University of Bristol 1993. She obtained her certificate in equine medicine (internal medicine) at the University of Liverpool, and went on to do a PhD in equine neurology. This was mainly based on headshaking in horses and working with Dr Derek Knottenbelt. Part of the work was with Paul Eldridge, a Neurosurgeon at The Walton Hospital, Liverpool, and a specialist in trigeminal neuralgia. Newton obtained her Diplomat of the Royal College of pathologists in 2008 and then went on to do become a Fellow of the Royal College of pathologists in 2010. Newton is currently working at Nationwide as a senior veterinary clinical pathologist.

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Webinar to explore equine blood tests and what the results mean - Horsetalk.co.nz - Horsetalk

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