Dr Suzanne Humphries: The Truth Treatment – Truth Connections Radio – 29th November 2012 – Video

Dr Suzanne Humphries: The Truth Treatment - Truth Connections Radio - 29th November 2012
Dr Suzanne Humphries (drsuzanne.net Homeopath, Internist, Nephrologist, and Holistic Health Consultant, is a conventionally (allopathically) educated medical doctor with a Bachelor #39;s Degree in Physics from Rutgers University. After spending two years as the head technician in a research biochemistry lab, she went to medical school, graduating from Temple University School of Medicine. She soon became increasingly aware of the failures of the medical profession over her 13 year career. Unsatisfied with the fact that doctors are largely trained to prescribe drugs and hunt down disease while their patients continue to get sicker, she sought out alternative treatments that help to heal, rather than hinder illness. http://www.youtube.com http://www.truthconnections.wordpress.com http http://www.facebook.com Another word for conventional (mainstream) medical treatment is allopathy, described as the form of treatment used to supress the symptoms of illness using the principle of opposites, while homeopathy encourages, rather than suppresses, the body #39;s reaction to an illness. After learning about homeopathy and other healing modalities while practicing allopathic kidney medicine, Dr Suzanne watched first hand through a new lens, the truth that allopathic medicine, while sometimes necessary, is an overused system that never restores true and lasting health; that when implemented as first line treatment across-the-board for mild illnesses and symptoms, will mostly just drive chronic illnesses deeper ...From:truthconnectionsViews:167 5ratingsTime:01:53:51More inEducation

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Dr Suzanne Humphries: The Truth Treatment - Truth Connections Radio - 29th November 2012 - Video

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