Insurance giants sponsor seminar by delusional homeopath

The Quackometer has blogged on an astonishing secret email from the Abha Light Foundation in Kenya that boasts of unethical human experimentation, endorses homeopathy as a cure for malaria and actively undermines the use of effective and efficacious medicine for malaria, TB and HIV. Andy Lewis right calls for the criminal prosecution and deportation of the homeopaths of the Foundation.  However, as he also points out, it is the UK homeopaths who help fund and organise these activities, and these show no sign of giving up their delusions. The Homeopathic Action Trust (HAT), the charitable arm of the Society of Homeopaths (SoH) are continuing to fund projects in the developing world and the SoH have organised a seminar by Jeremy Sherr, as part of the professional development of their members.

Jeremy Sherr is the homeopath who boasted of treating and performing research on AIDS sufferers in Tanzania while falsely claiming the support of academic institutions.  In response to this, and other examples, the World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that homeopathy has no role to play in the treatment of malaria, TB or AIDS.  In relation to Sherr, the SoH claimed that he was not a member and they did not endorse behaviours that were in breach of their Code of Conduct.

Now they have decided to invite him to give a seminar.

International teacher Jeremy Sherr will focus on the philosophical and practical approach to epidemics in this two-day seminar, which will include video and paper cases, new remedies and a fresh look at old materia medica.

According to Jeremy, acknowledged as a brilliant and creative thinker, “epidemics
are an advanced stage of homeopathic treatment that leads to a deeper understanding of individual treatment, proving and miasms.” This, he says, “is a subject we will all need to be versed in, with the return of many major epidemics to the west.”

This lecture will be based on the principles of the Organon and practical experience in this field. Jeremy has proved many new remedies and included in this two days will be Cryptococcus, Dama dama and Pomegranate.

As a homeopathic practitioner, Jeremy is known for his unprejudiced clarity and profound insight. His lectures are an inspiring blend of classical homeopathy and original thought, delivered with vitality and humour.

He has been a leader in homeopathic thinking and education for three decades. He taught in most British schools, before establishing the Dynamis School in 1985. Jeremy has taught the
Dynamis curriculum throughout Europe and North America, and has lectured in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan, India and China, and was the first to re-develop the science and
art of provings after a century of near silence with his first proving – Scorpion. Since then he has completed 34 Hahnemannian provings.

Jeremy was born in South Africa and grew up in Israel, beginning his studies at the College of Homeopathy, London, in 1980, and completing a degree simultaneously in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Though he practices classical homeopathy exclusively, his knowledge of Chinese Medicine shines through his homeopathic thinking.

Such hypocrisy is a feature of the homeopathic movement and barely worth remarking on these days.  What is though is that the SoH have managed to attract sponsorship from two reputable multinational insurance companies, Royal and SunAlliance PLC and Lockton Companies International Ltd.

I tried to contact these companies giving them details of the activities of Mr Sherr, the WHO statements and the ongoing controversies regarding homeopathy in the UK to see if they would reconsider their sponsorship.  They did not reply.

If any readers would like to write to them then let me know if they respond.

I have no reason to believe that these companies endorse the views of Mr Sherr, or are indeed in any way aware of just what it is they are sponsoring.  Both of these provide insurance to homeopaths and I assume their involvement is related to that.  While this does not excuse their association, it does perhaps point to a wider problem in society, that many people who involve themselves in the activities of homeopaths are unaware of how they really behave and what they really think.  This is a concern given that the governments response to the Science & Technology committee’s evidence check on homeopathy is so lack lustre (my quick thoughts here).  Regardless of the science, the behaviour of homeopaths with respect to the developing world is genuinely disturbing to most people.  Perhaps more attention should be spent highlighting the problems with homeopaths, and other practitioners of alternative medicine, in their ethical conduct if we are to argue that such things have no place in a healthcare system.

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