Study Finds Suicide Rate Higher Among Those With Neurological Disorders – Everyday Health

People with neurological conditions like Parkinsons disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrigs disease), Huntingtons disease, and dementia are at higher risk for suicide, a study published in February 2020 in the Journal of the American Medical Association has found.

According to the authors, from the Danish Research Institute for Suicide Prevention (DRISP) in Copenhagen, the higher rates of suicide among those with these brain disorders are likely the result of stress and feelings of hopelessness when they learn their diagnosis and prognosis. Although the symptoms of most of these conditions can be managed with drug treatments and other approaches, none can be cured at least not yet.

In addition, many of these disorders lead to significant disability, which may impact the quality of life of those who are diagnosed as well as their families and friends.

Distress at the time of diagnosis plays a role, for instance, for people with dementia, explains study coauthor Annette Erlangsen, PhD, who heads the research program at DRISP. For severe disorders, such as Huntingtons and ALS, the risk of suicide might be related to the course of the disorder.

Some of these disorders, perhaps as a result, are also linked with a higher risk of mood disorders like depression and anxiety, which may lead to thoughts of suicide, she adds.

To assess the risk of suicide among people with certain neurological disorders, Dr. Erlangsen and her colleagues reviewed the health records of more than 7.3 million people in Denmark from 1980 through 2016. All of the people included in the analysis were 15 years of age or older as of 1980, and approximately 1.25 million of them had received medical treatment for a head injury, stroke, epilepsy, polyneuropathy, diseases of myoneural junction (in which signals from nerves to muscles are disrupted, leading to muscle weakness and fatigue), Parkinsons, MS, central nervous system infections, meningitis, encephalitis, ALS, Huntingtons, dementia, intellectual disability, and other brain-related conditions during the study period.

Ultimately, more than 35,000 of those included in the analysis died by suicide, and nearly 15 percent of those who died by suicide had been diagnosed with a neurological disorder. Overall, Erlangsens team found that those with neurological disorders are almost twice as likely to take their own lives as those who hadnt been diagnosed with these conditions.

Risk of suicide among those with ALS was almost 5 times higher than that of the general population, while the suicide risk for those with Huntingtons, MS, and epilepsy was roughly twice as high.

The researchers also found that the risk of suicide rose as the number of hospital visits rose.

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Based on their findings, the authors suggest that caregivers friends and loved ones as well as healthcare professionals closely monitor those with these conditions for depression and anxiety, emotional distress, and suicidal thoughts.

Its important to emphasize that suicide is a rare event in general and also among people with neurological disorders, Erlangsen says. However, she adds, Its surely important to be aware of ones mental well-being especially when diagnosed with a chronic disorder. Luckily, its few who develop depressive symptoms, but if one does, then it is important to speak to a healthcare professional and assess whether further initiatives are needed.

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Study Finds Suicide Rate Higher Among Those With Neurological Disorders - Everyday Health

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