Understanding De Javu – Dr. Vernon Neppe – Coast to Coast AM Classic – Video

Understanding De Javu - Dr. Vernon Neppe - Coast to Coast AM Classic
http://www.jetnews.us Date: 10-11-06 Host: George Noory Guests: Dr. Vernon Neppe Neuropsychiatrist and anomalistic psychologist Dr. Vernon Neppe shared his intensive research into the phenomenon of deja vu. The experience is defined as feeling as though something has happened before-- that you #39;ve already been in a place, or heard or seen something, even though it should be unfamiliar (see list of various subtypes). Early interpretations of the experience associated it with temporal lobe dysfunction, and while that holds true in some cases, Neppe found that deja vu could also be related to nostalgia, relief of anxiety, and paranormal experiences. He is particularly fascinated by the paranormal or psychic connections with deja vu. The sense of "time distortion" that can accompany the experience relates to notions of reincarnation and having lived before, he noted, and premonitions and precognition share a similarity to the phenomenon as well. Biography: Vernon Neppe MD, PhD, FRS(SAf), DFAPA is an internationally known Neuropsychiatrist, Behavioral Neurologist. and consciousness researcher. His book, with Reality Begins with Consciousness, with Dr Ed Close, is regarded by colleagues as a landmark achievement that may change thinking. Professor Neppe is Director of the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute (PNI) in Seattle, WA and also (Adjunct) Professor, Dept. of Neurology and Psychiatry at St Louis University. He is also the author of the acclaimed books, Innovative ...From:C2CPlanetViews:11 0ratingsTime:01:54:01More inEducation

Understanding De Javu - Dr. Vernon Neppe - Coast to Coast AM Classic - Video

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