Best Tweets – Selection of Twitter Favorites

Being a SuperHero has its drawbacks RT @Bongi1: Just about to fly to cape town just to turn around and fly back.

— GruntDoc (@gruntdoc) December 13, 2011

This is amusing: Amy Chua's "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" was sold in China as "Being an American Mom." #hardcore

— Heidi N. Moore (@moorehn) December 11, 2011

Chickens' water keeps freezing. I propose adding vodka to it. I have been overruled. Something about killing them.

— Robert Silge, MD (@DoctorMac) December 10, 2011

Walked by a minor car accident earlier & a cop said to passersby: "Nothing to TWEET here, move along now."

— Nick Bilton (@nickbilton) December9, 2011

Study shows people can guess personality via body odor. From inkblot to stinkblot?

— Dr John Weiner (@AllergyNet) December5, 2011

I attended a really long talk today.The only thing I learned from it is the flash-drive-around-the-neck is not a good look for lecturers.

— Jonathan,DO,MS,NCC (@DrJonathan) December1, 2011

Dental assistant (before I met dentist): "Ok I'm going to do the routine 14 x-rays." Me: "Uhhh, no that's ok."Her:"But, but-we always do!"

— Jonathan,DO,MS,NCC (@DrJonathan) December1, 2011

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