Collecting family history predicts cancer risk better than 23andMe genetic testing

Collecting family history predicts cancer risk better than 23andMe genetic testing, according to a recent study from the Cleveland Clinic:

As you're sharing fond family memories, don't forget to bring up family health history -- it's the best gift you can give. Dr. Charis Eng comments on a study she led looking at the important role of family history in predicting future disease risk.
Related reading
Beware the fortune tellers peddling genetic tests - BMJ
FDA panel: genetic testing should not be available directly to consumers without what amounts to a "prescription". WebMD, 2011.
Comments from Twitter
@23andMe: See our perspective of Cleveland Clinic study - - bottom line is 2 aren't the same, so can't compare h2h. Also, we agree that family history is a very important piece, and believe it complements detailed genetic info.

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