Invasive dental treatment associated with increased risk for stroke and myocardial infarction

Treatment of periodontal disease may reduce cardiovascular risk in the longer term, but studies have suggested a link among dental procedures, acute inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction.

This study included persons exposed to invasive dental treatment with a primary hospital discharge diagnosis of ischemic stroke or myocardial infarction from 2002 to 2006.

The rate of vascular events significantly increased in the first 4 weeks after invasive dental treatment (incidence ratio, 1.50) and gradually returned to the baseline rate within 6 months.

Invasive dental treatment may be associated with a transient increase in the risk for vascular events. However, the absolute risks are minimal, and the long-term benefits on vascular health will probably outweigh the short-lived adverse effects.


Image source: Cross-section of a tooth with visible gums, or gingiva, Wikipedia, GNU Free Documentation License.

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