Physicians as a group are leaner, fitter and live longer than average Americans

From the WSJ:

Physicians as a group are leaner, fitter and live longer than average Americans. Male physicians keep their cholesterol and blood pressure lower.

However, doctors are less likely to have their own primary care physician—and more apt to abuse prescription drugs.

Lifestyle habits

Exercise: Many physicians say they "embed" it into their lives, making it a non-negotiable part of their daily routine, often early in the morning before demands pile on. One doctor says he gets up at 4:45 a.m. virtually every morning to train for marathons he runs. "But by 8:30 at night, I have the IQ of a zucchini," he says.

Smoking: Only 2% to 4% of physicians smoke cigarettes, compared to roughly 24% of the U.S. population.

Stress: For all their good habits, it's no secret that doctors are under enormous pressure.

What Patients Can Learn from the Ways Physicians Take Care of Themselves. WSJ.

Image source:, public domain.

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