Mercer Students Study Neighborhood Chemistry

Over at Mercer, a chemistry professor has spearheaded a $100,000 program that looks at environmental concerns in Macon.

Along with seven undergraduates, assistant professor Jennifer Look plans to turn the outdoors into science lab.

"We're looking at the metals that could be accumulating that might affect the people who might live in the region," says junior Lisa Bianco.

"People have expressed some concerns over power plant emission," says Look.

"We want to determine if there are areas in Macon where there are trace elements that could potentially be hazardous," adds junior Matthew Bowen.

Look received a $50,000 foundation grant which was matched by the school to analyze the area around campus.

"Chemistry influences everything that you touch and eat and drink every day of your life," says Look.

"We're hoping to get great information out to the City of Macon that way it can improve environmental conditions throughout all of Macon to make it a more desirable place to live," Bowen says.

The research will identify Macon's environmental strengths as well as places that will require more study or clean-up. The research will then be broken down and presented to the community.

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Mercer Students Study Neighborhood Chemistry

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