Arrested Development Review: Brotherly Bonds

With this new format Arrested Development was forced to take - and I'm not sure how else they would have pulled off a new season without doing it like this - there are bound to be some episodes that just don’t work as well as others.

"Double Crossers" was one of those.

Welcome to George Sr.’s second arrested development.

John Slattery on Arrested Development

I am a big fan of Terry Crews, am looking forward to seeing him this fall on Brooklyn Nine-Nine and enjoyed his performance on Arrested Development, but I have to wonder: isn’t it a bit late to be doing a Herman Cain impression? I mean, I don’t think people are even commenting on his YouTube videos anymore and that’s a sure sign that your 15 minutes have passed.

I imagine when Hurwitz and company were writing this season of AD, Cain was probably a bit more in the news and they just figured he’d last a bit longer. But that didn't happen. And thanks to it, Herbert Love falls a bit short. Had it been anyone but Crews, it would likely have been much worse.

I just couldn’t bring myself to care about the sweat lodge storyline. The satellite stories surrounding the compound were decent, but the sweating itself was boring. I had to force myself not to tune out when it came to pretty much anything involving Oscar and George... which is a shame because they had a lot of good moments, even in this episode.

“It’s good to be out of that sweaty old hot box” made me laugh like a mad woman and George Sr. also provided a nice moment that finally addressed Portia DeRossi’s face work. 

The biggest plus of anything sweat lodge related was the odd group Oscar surrounds himself with. John Slattery is one incredibly good looking, disgraced anesthesiologist to whom I’d happily go for medical care while squatting in an office that does not belong to him. China Garden is all right, if not a bit one-dimensional, but I think we can all agree that the silent, but wise, Heartfire is the real winner.

Even if we don’t agree she was the best, we can agree that she was hysterical. Her disbelief in the group’s mistaken location was topped only by her running around thinking “I’m Allergic” thanks to GOB’s bees. 

Oh, the gentleman honey farmer and his sick bees. This is the type of thing that is really reminiscent of the original three seasons. I mean, come on - a gentleman honey farmer? Is there anyone but GOB who could call himself as such?

Of course, anytime GOB enters the story things are bound to get weird; weird and entertaining. Although in an episode that is supposed to be focused on George Sr., it seems a bit odd that the best part of the episode focused on GOB and Michael.

The two brothers have a bit of a bonding moment over a cabinet full of Mike’s Hard Lemonade. So sweet. Of course given that this is the Bluth family, the sweetness has an ulterior motive. With the new format we don’t get to find out the motive until later so we can enjoy the brotherly love for the brief moment.

If there is one glaring mistake in this season of Arrested Development, it is the lack of Buster Bluth. His brief appearance with George Sr. filming the “wall” made that painfully obvious. Even the mere mention of him and his dismal cartography skills points out how much we miss him. 

Overall, this was one of the weaker episodes. As entertaining as Jeffrey Tambor in drag can be, it just seemed to fall flat. Combined with having to keep up with who was telling Herbert Love about what when it came to the wall, not even self-love in an MRI tube could salvage this installment.

What did you think about "Double Crossers?" What was the funniest moment of the episode? Or did the episode fall flat?

Amanda Denton is a guest contributor for TV Fanatic. She'll Tumblr for you, or you can find her talking television at Grizzly Bomb.


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