Nikita Review: Can’t Save Everyone

Ever since Nikita season 3 left the Dirty Thirty behind and shifted the focus to Amanda's mission, it has been a non-stop, unpredictable emotional ride.

On "Broken Home," Division imploded from the mutiny, while the captive Nikita learned about Amanda's past through mind manipulation. Both were intense situations that ended in shocking and unexpected ways. While one happened in the past and the other in the present, both have far-reaching consequences.

Stopping Amanda

Amanda's mission to get Nikita this season has been confusing at times, but that fits with her character. What is it that Amanda really wants? She says that she wants to teach both Nikita and Alex lessons, but it's becoming more clear that Amanda doesn't necessarily know her end game. At this point of her plan, she wanted Nikita to learn the truth about her past and a tragic one it was.

"You can't save everyone." was the theme of the hour and Nikita's lesson of the day. While re-living Amanda's past, Nikita was determined save Helen from her father's torture and experiments. Amanda also continually promised to save Helen, but year after year never followed through on the promise. She couldn't overcome her father's control. It all came to a tragic end when Helen killed her father and her sister. After years of torture, Helen could only save herself and with that the new Amanda was born.

Amanda (Helen) suffered at the hands of her father and ended up following in his footsteps by using the same techniques on Division recruits. As her father made her, she made Nikita, who made Alex. Amanda's understanding of how the three of them are connected finally makes sense, while perhaps deluded. Now that Nikita knows the truth, will that alter her opinion of Amanda? Will she want to save her or kill her?

Nikita believes and Amanda implied that something else was done to Nikita's brain while she was unconscious. Did Amanda plant other thoughts in her head? For Nikita's sake, I hope it's not nearly has harmful as what Amanda did to Owen and Alex.

While Nikita took a trip down Amanda's memory lane, Alex was learning the same lesson that "You can't save everyone" at Division. Alex's self-destruction due to the implanted emotions over the loss of Larissa and the brothel girls has been difficult to watch. Not even Sean could get through to her. Rachel may have taken over leadership of the mutiny, it was Alex that spurred the actions that lead to a loss of life.

Alex's intentions to free everyone ended up including the destruction of Shadow Walker making her friend, Birkhoff, a target. Unlike the first time Birkhoff had to kill someone, he had no hesitation here. He had to protect himself, Division, and do whatever he could to save the mutineers from themselves.

While most of the Division agents were able to escape, others died and in the end, Alex lost the person who meant the most to her. Sean's death was tragic and happened so quickly. One moment he seemed fine and the next moment he was dead from internal bleeding. In the end, will Alex finally realize that Amanda did mess with her head? After everything Alex has been through in her life and her quest to save everyone, the loss of Sean may be more than she can take.

Alex may have lost Sean, but she's not responsible for his death. The blame belongs entirely to Amanda. The evil mind manipulator has taken too much from them all. She has caused unbelievable pain on all of the those remaining at Division. Nikita, Michael, Alex, Birkhoff, and Ryan should shift their focus to finally taking her out, so she can't torment anyone else. 


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