wenonoah – anatomy – Video

wenonoah - anatomy
By Wenonoah -- Purveyor of Fine Flesh Pop for Abstracted Humans I made this video with my friend Alice McFarlane (horalulu.tumblr.com I hope it will be the first of many. Anatomy is from a short collection of songs entitled #39;Insides Vol.I : Something funny I ate #39; which I hope to finish and release in the Spring. This is where I am online: soundcloud.com http://www.facebook.com wenonoah.blogspot.co.uk vimeo.com Here are the lyrics to anatomy: She #39;s so fucking precious I #39;m sure that she shits diamonds I #39;ve been watching her for some time now and I #39;m sure that she has champagne pee But though the look in her eyes Might say never been kissed She #39;s got constrictor-strength thighs And packs a punch in each fist Her tears are infused with saffron Her sweat glistens bright with gold And she sneezes such snot truffles As are prized by the French so I #39;m told I want to explore her velvet goldmine And feel her soul grip mine She #39;ll hold me tightly Squeeze the life out of me And if this little death should be the last of me I won #39;t be sorry Oh I #39;d rather fuck than fight her I don #39;t stand a chance either way And if she squeeze me much tighter I #39;ll be dead by the break of day ....... Thanks for watching/listening. If you like it, share it. We #39;ll be back!

By: wenonoah

Original post:
wenonoah - anatomy - Video

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