Hominid – Human Skeletons Inside Animal Bodies

Hominid animated teaser by Brian Andrews

Hominid animated teaser by Brian Andrews

Hominid animated teaser by Brian Andrews

Hominid from Brian Andrews on Vimeo. (Refresh this page if video doesn’t load)

It’s quite creepy seeing a human skeleton inside animal bodies, especially a spider.  Produced at Ex’pression College for Digital ArtsHominid is an animated teaser based on the Hominid series of photo composites created from human and veterinary X-ray films by San Francisco based contemporary artist, critic, and visual effects supervisor, Brian Andrews.

six arm hominid by Brian Andrews 2004
Six-Armed Hominid 2004.  Just one of the Hominid X-ray pieces by Brian Andrews the animation above is based on.


[spotted by Shabana]



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