
SOILED 02 Skinscrapers

I’m a big fan of zines and have a secret wish to create a Street Anatomy zine someday.  In the meantime you can check out this recent release from SOILED, a zine showcasing the “interstices of architecture, urbanism, and the pedosphere.”  They publish twice a year on each solstice and their latest issue, Skinscrapers, focuses on the human body!

Skinscrapers probes how our bodies interact with the spaces around them and how the spaces we inhabit can become extensions of our bodies. By focusing on the surface of the skin as a natural mediator, Skinscrapers navigates a continuum of scale, starting inside the gut, proceeding to the contours of the body, and culminating in the anthropomorphic city.

Download a copy of Skinscrapers for free!


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