Sutured But Not Healed

Suture arm Photo by Øystein Horgmo

Photo by Øystein Horgmo © All Rights Reserved. Click for larger image.


Suture arm Photo by Øystein Horgmo

Photo by Øystein Horgmo © All Rights Reserved. Click for larger image.


Suture arm Photo by Øystein Horgmo

Photo by Øystein Horgmo © All Rights Reserved. Click for larger image.

As a medial photographer, Øystein Horgmo, captures some of the most interesting subjects imaginable.  This specimen, found in a medical student’s practical skills center, is covered in the attempts to heal fleshy lacerations which many of them are, as Øystein says, “sutured, but none of them healed.”

But really, this reminds me of my arm after a few minutes of playing with my cat.

View more of Øystein‘s work on his fascinating blog, The Sterile Eye.



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