FOOX myHeart II and mySkull

David Foox mySkull
Title: “mySkull”
artist: David Foox
medium: acrylic, krylon, on X-Ray (sealed with a kiss) mounted on custom hosital viewing light box
size: 14″ x 22″
David Foox myHeart II
Title: “myHeart II”
artist: David Foox
medium: acrylic, krylon, on X-Ray (sealed with a kiss) mounted on custom dentist viewing light box
size: 12″ x 12″

Two new works by artist and toy maker FOOX and titled “myHeart II” and “mySkull“.

FOOX has taken more X-Rays of himself including an MRI of his skull and all in the name of art. With a solo show “As Within So Without” at Lyons Weir (NY) June 25th through July 17th, FOOX needs all the X-Rays he can get. That’s why he has enlisted the help of yet to be disclosed notable persons.  Can’t wait to find out the identity of these “notable persons!”

Lyons Weir Gallery, New York
“As Within So Without” a Solo Show by David Foox
Curated by Rebecca Marshall
Opening Party: June 25th, 2010 (show through July 17th, 2010)

FOOX continues the awareness campaign promoting organ donation as a cause to help save lives. His ORGAN DONOR vinyl dolls were featured in Kidrobot, Munky King, Zeus Comics, Poptopia, Ultrapop, Super7, and a host of modern art museums. In this exhibition of recent works by David Foox, FOOX shows us his insides – and those of society’s notable and interesting characters. Without disclosing which famous characters’ insides will be painted, FOOX does give us these two sneak peak works recently completed in advance of the opening. Look for more of X-Ray vision by FOOX in the coming months. For more information on FOOX NYC events email Bea

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