Omega 3: Not Just For the Heart

Omega 3 can help reduce the incidence of age-related hearing loss.

We know that omega 3 fatty acids are good for the heart – but it appears that this wonder compound is not just good for the heart, but may also be beneficial to our ears as well.  Just recently, a study regarding the additional benefits of omega 3 fatty acids was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The omega 3 study

According to the US study, eating fish at least twice a week can reduce the risk for age-related hearing loss by a whopping forty-two percent.  Paul Mitchell, lead researcher, also stated that regular doses of omega 3 fatty acids can delay or even completely prevent age-related hearing loss (also known as presbycusis).

Mitchell and other researchers made use of questionnaires that were given out to 2,900+ respondents.  They measured the respondents’ fish intake with the prevalence of hearing loss.  An inverse trend was noted: respondents who ate a lot of fish tend to have minimal hearing loss.  The risk for age-related hearing loss was also reduced with increased fish consumption.

Hearing loss is one of the most prevalent sensory-related conditions in the United States, affecting more than 30 million individuals around the country.

More reasons to love omega 3

Omega 3’s dazzling spectrum of benefits does not end with hearing loss prevention and heart health:

1. Omega 3 is considered an essential nutrient because it is required for normal body function.  The body is incapable of producing them; therefore, dietary sources of omega 3 are vital to good health.

2. Suffering from painful joints?  Existing studies state that regular doses of omega 3 can help ease the stiffness and inflammation associated with arthritic conditions.  If you have been prescribed anti-inflammatory medication already, you can still take omega 3 to increase the effectiveness of your current anti-inflammatory medication/s.

3. Eating more fish may reduce your risk for depression.  According to existing studies, cultures that consume fish on a very regular basis also have fewer incidences of clinical depression.  Omega 3 may also help treat depression as it enhances the potency of anti-depressant medication.

4. Pregnant women can also benefit from EPA & DHA: there is evidence that omega 3 fatty acids can improve the general wellness of pregnant women and also aid in the development of the unborn child – specifically with the child’s brain development.

5. In addition to calcium supplementation, omega 3 can also help people with osteoporosis. There is some evidence that this compound can help increase bone density.

6. Surprisingly, omega 3 can also be used by individuals with asthma.  In addition to improving the over-all condition of the lungs, omega 3 may also help reduce the amount of asthma medications a person needs to manage his/her condition.

7. Giving fish oil to school-aged kids can help manage the symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD.


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