Horizon scanning: Glybera® (alipogene tiparvovec), first gene therapy approved in EU for treatment of patients with lipoprotein lipase deficiency and recurring acute pancreatitis

Source: PharmaLive
Area: News
Glybera® (alipogene tiparvovec), has becomes the first gene therapy approved by the European Commission for the treatment of adult patients diagnosed with familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency (LPLD) and suffering from severe or multiple pancreatitis attacks despite dietary fat restrictions. The diagnosis of LPLD has to be confirmed by genetic testing. The indication is restricted to patients with detectable levels of LPL protein.
LPLD is a very rare, inherited disease, caused by mutations in the LPL gene, resulting in highly decreased or absent activity of LPL enzyme in patients. This enzyme is needed in order to break down large fat-carrying particles (chylomicrons) that circulate in the blood after each meal. When such particles accumulate in …Source:


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