Experimental Covid antibody treatment that Trump lauded now available in WNY – Buffalo News

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If, for example, I test positive, then any member of my household could be eligible for this treatment provided that they havent begun experiencing symptoms, Sethi said.

Those interested in treatment must be 18 or older, live with someone recently tested positive with the coronavirus and be free of Covid-19 symptoms, said Kelly Green, clinical research coordinator with the Clinical Research Office.

Those who do, can call Green at 888-4764 or email kjk22@buffalo.edu for more information and to see if they meet other eligibility guidelines for treatment.

Regeneron sought 2,000 patients when the study started several weeks ago in the region. There are 700 slots still available and more may be added depending on interest, Green said.

The drugmaker decided to provide treatment because Dr. Michael Cain, Jacobs School dean, was able to provide space in an unused medical school clinic in Amherst where participants could be treated discretely and safely without exposing other health care patients, Sethi said.

Those selected for the study will get a rapid test for Covid-19. They will be able to participate whether they test positive or negative. Those who are symptomatic will not be eligible but could consider participating in treatment trials being conducted at UB for mild to moderate cases of Covid-19.

Experimental Covid antibody treatment that Trump lauded now available in WNY - Buffalo News

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