Harvard Medical School Professor Lisa Iezzoni to speak at URI Oct. 27 on health care disparities and disability – URI Today

KINGSTON, R.I. October 16, 2020 Lisa Iezzoni, M.D., a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, will speak Tuesday, Oct. 27, as part of the University of Rhode Island Honors Colloquium, Challenging Expectations: Disability in the 21st Century.

Iezzoni, who is based at the Health Policy Research Center, Mongan Institute of Massachusetts General Hospital, will give the online lecture, Healthcare Disparities for People with Disability at 7 p.m.

The link to the lecture can be found on the day of the event in the colloquium schedule, next to Iezzonis name. The lecture is free and open to the public.

Her early career focused on risk adjustment methods for costs and clinical outcomes and assessing quality of care. She wrote and edited Risk Adjustment for Measuring Health Care Outcomes, now in its fourth edition.

Iezzoni has conducted numerous studies for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, National Institutes of Health, the Medicare agency and private foundations. Since 1998, her research has focused on improving the experiences of and health care quality for adults with disabilities.

Her book, When Walking Fails, was published in 2003, and More Than Ramps: A Guide to Improving Health Care Quality and Access for People with Disabilities, co-authored with Bonnie L. ODay, appeared in 2006.

Iezzoni also spends much of her time advocating for people with disabilities. Representing the Boston Center for Independent Living, she chaired the Medical Diagnostic Equipment Accessibility Standards Advisory Committee for the U.S. Access Board from 2012 through 2013. Iezzoni is a member of the National Academy of Medicine in the National Academy of Sciences.

Gianna Carderelli, a University of Rhode public relations major and intern in its Department of Marketing and Communications, wrote this press release.

Harvard Medical School Professor Lisa Iezzoni to speak at URI Oct. 27 on health care disparities and disability - URI Today

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