AUSTIN -- On Monday, the Rio Grande Valley Legislative delegation will file legislation to create a new University of Texas System university with a medical school in South Texas.
Senators filed a bill authored by state Sens. Eddie Lucio, Jr., Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa, Judith Zafririni, and Kel Seliger. House Bill 1000 by State Rep. Rene Oliveira is already filed, and also authored by state Reps. Dan Branch, Ryan Guillen, Armando Martinez, Eddie Lucio III, Sergio Muoz, Jr. Bobby Guerra, Terry Canales and Oscar Longoria.
Lucio (Brownsville) said, This is a historic day for the Rio Grande Valley. Todays filing is the first important step toward creating the Valleys only Tier One research university, with state-of-the art facilities and the ability to attract top-notch faculty. The inclusion of the future South Texas school of medicine as part of this new university is the culmination of a decade of work expanding medical education in the region. The Rio Grande Valley will soon become a center for multinational education, medicine, and industry. I want to thank my fellow delegation members for coming together on this important undertaking. I want to also thank Governor Perry, Lt. Governor Dewhurst, and the UT Board of regents for their support. I now call on fellow colleagues in the Texas House and Senate to support us in passing this crucial piece of legislation for the future of South Texas.
"This bill is the framework that will legally create the new university, and allows us, if passed by a two-thirds majority, to access the Permanent University Fund (PUF), and other state and federal research dollars. It will combine existing resources to create a new university maximizing efficiencies in facilities and administration," said Oliveira (Brownsville).
Hinojosa (McAllen) said, "This legislation, creating a new university in South Texas by merging UT- Pan American and UT- Brownsville and establishing a free standing medical school, has the potential of providing endless educational and healthcare benefits for our families in the Rio Grande Valley. I am proud that we stand united as a delegation embracing a regional mindset to draft the legislation we are filing today. The transformation of the Rio Grande Valley through education could soon be a reality and it is critical that we as a state invest in education and in the people of South Texas."
"As a member of the Valley delegation, specifically, as the senator for Starr County, I am delighted to co-author legislation that merges our regional institutions into a future emerging research university," said Zaffirini (Laredo), Co-Chair of the Joint Oversight Committee on Higher Education Governance, Excellence, and Transparency and a member of the Senate Higher Education and Finance Committees.
"By joining forces and pooling resources, we will establish a new higher education powerhouse that will expand access and enhance excellence, thereby providing countless new opportunities for students. This will benefit not only South Texas, but also our great state. Truly, our collaboration will unite our communities in ensuring a brighter future for our families. Together we will strive to secure the support of statewide leaders and our fellow legislators. Success is our highest priority."
"This bill anticipates a new day for higher education in the Valley," said Dan Branch (Dallas), Chairman of the House Committee on Higher Education. "We have an historic opportunity to enhance education, research and the economy. It's our vision that the Rio Grande Valley will one day rival Silicon Valley as an intersection of education and innovation."
Rep. Ryan Guillen (Rio Grande City) said, "This vital piece of legislation will create a comprehensive University of Texas component encompassing multiple counties on the Texas border. It represents an offer of excellence in higher educational opportunities for all South Texans. I couldn't be more pleased to offer my support as co-author and sponsor of legislation that will create the new South Texas component of the University of Texas System."
"This is the first step in a long process. I am supportive of the merger of both universities, UT-Pan American and UT-Brownsville. I am also supportive of a medical school in the Rio Grande Valley; however, there are still many steps in the process and questions we are waiting to be answered from the UT system regarding structure and placement," said Rep. Armando Martinez (Weslaco).
Read the original post:
Legislators file bills to create new south Texas university, medical school
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