Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering job with Texas Tech University | 295458 – The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Department of Chemical Engineering at Texas Tech Universityinvites outstanding applicants for- tenured positions. Whilethere is a preference for faculty with research interests incatalysis as applied to energy and sustainabilitysystems, design and optimization of materials, machinelearning and process control, and distributed manufacturing,excellent candidates with research interests in translationalbioengineering/medicine and nanotechnology/nanomaterials will beconsidered.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering or aclosely related fields, a track record of outstanding research(commensurate with rank), and a commitment to excellence ineducation, student mentoring, outreach and/or community engagement.Successful candidates will be expected to develop nationally andinternationally recognized and externally funded research programs,develop departmental and multidisciplinary collaborations, fosterpartnerships within and outside Texas Tech University as well asindustry, teach core graduate and undergraduate courses in chemicalengineering, develop new courses (including online courses), engageinto strategic outreach and engaged scholarship, and performinternal and professional service at a level commensurate withrank. Applicants at the senior level should have a strongrecord of attracting and sustaining externally sponsor research,strong publications record, and demonstrated experience leadingmultidisciplinary research activities. Applicants at the seniorlevel will be expected to lead the Department in majormultidisciplinary research endeavors and Centers of Excellence. Weseek applicants that share our Whitacre College of Engineeringvision of Excelling as a global leader in engineering education andresearch. Experience working with diverse student populations andfirst-generation students is highly desirable.

Applicants should apply at the TTU online job application website at;use requisition number 22027BR. Theapplication process requires uploading a detailed CV, a statementof research and teaching interests, and the contact information forat least three references. Applications will be accepteduntil the position is filled, with those received prior to December14, 2020, assured full consideration. Candidates must becurrently eligible to work in the United States.

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Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering job with Texas Tech University | 295458 - The Chronicle of Higher Education

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