Is Bioengineering Right for Me? | UW Bioengineering

Lets examine the challenge of developing better cancer therapies. Current cancer therapies are marginally effective and have adverse side effects. Biochemists, computer scientists, biologists and bioengineers approach this problem differently.

Biochemists focus on chemical and biological processes at the molecular level. They ask questions like: What is the molecular basis of cancer? and What makes cancer cells unique?

Computer scientists focus on software and electronics. They ask questions like: How can computers be used to create new cancer therapies?

Biologists focus on chemical and biological processes at the cell and tissue level. They ask questions like: How do drugs work at the cell, organ and animal level? and Where in the body do drugs work and how do they cause toxicity?

Bioengineers perform applied, translational research that integrates biochemistry, computer science and biology. They focus on molecular-level characterization, device-level fabrication and societal-level design considerations. They ask questions like: Given what we already know about cancer therapies, how can we make them more tolerable and effective? and What new cancer therapies are possible?

Biochemists focus on chemical and biological processes at the molecular level.They ask questions like How does heart muscle work? and What is the molecular basis for heart tissue death?

Mechanical Engineers focus on mechanical and fluid properties and behavior. They ask questions like: What are the tensile properties of healthy versus diseased heart tissue? and Can we model the flow of blood through the heart?.

Material scientists focus on material properties and behavior. They ask questions like: How can we design materials for implants that will not degrade when in the body?

Bioengineers work closely with biochemists, mechanical engineers, materials scientists and clinical collaborators in cardiology. They focus on making a difference in the world through improved health. They ask questions like: Can we re-engineer heart proteins to pump more efficiently?, Can we design novel implantable medical devices that the body does not reject? and Can we grow new heart tissue to replace damaged tissue?

Lets examine the challenge of diagnosing disease. Diseases are often detected late, which can affect the efficacy of treatment. Also, in some places around the world, traditional disease diagnostic tools are too expensive, too complex for local physicians to use effectively, or otherwise out of reach. Chemical engineers, physicists, electrical engineers, and bioengineers approach this issue differently.

Chemical engineers focus on chemistry at interfaces.They ask questions like: Can we engineer nanoparticles and surfaces to behave in interesting ways? and What are the thermodynamic processes at play during host-pathogen interactions?

Physicists and chemists focus on fundamental physical properties of matter.They ask questions like: Why do nanoparticles behave differently from microparticles? and How can we use light in new ways to detect things?

Electrical engineers focus on electronics and photonics.They ask questions like: Can we create novel electrical devices (ultra low power and/or miniaturized) that might have diagnostic uses?

Bioengineers work colesly with chemical engineers, physicists, electrical engineers and physicians.They focus on integrative solutions with global applications. They ask questions like: Can we design nanoparticles, biophotonics and paper to detect disease earlier, rapidly and inexpensively?, Using paper or hand-held ultrasound, can we make low-cost, point-of-care diagnostics to move testing out of hospitals? and Can we integrate diagnostics with smartphones to make a difference globally?

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Is Bioengineering Right for Me? | UW Bioengineering

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