BIOTECanada: Canadian Biotechnology Companies Championing Treatments for Rare Diseases


All Canadians deserve care. BIOTECanada supports the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD) in marking Rare Disease Day. These devastating, life-threatening and often terminal conditions affect 1 in 12 Canadians. The impact of orphan diseases on patients and families can be profound and life altering. The need to access safe and effective treatments is often urgent and overwhelming.

BIOTECanada congratulates CORD in their work on behalf of the 3.2 million Canadians with one of 7,000 rare diseases, commented Peter Brenders, President and CEO, BIOTECanada. We are recommending the federal government finally recognize Canada needs a national Orphan Product Policy to set a standard of equality for Canadians with rare and life-threatening conditions. Regulatory changes must be introduced to define a rare disease, and provide the conditions for biotechnology companies to bring their research to market.

While over 35 Canadian companies have had orphan products approved in the US, in Canada, the Common Drug Review has issued do not list recommendations (to the provinces) for over 75% of rare disease therapeutics approved by Health Canada.

"We invest in developing novel drug therapies for these rare medical conditions precisely because the need is so great. Our commitment to patients with rare diseases goes beyond innovation, to working with the medical community and governments to ensure that all those in need have access to these crucial therapies, commented Kevin Leshuk, Vice President & General Manager Celgene Inc. But Canadians have been waiting far too long for governments to catch up to the policies that have existed around the world and consequently, some Canadians are left behind.

Biotechnology therapeutics offer new hope in treating rare disorders for Canadians. Due to the genetic nature of these conditions, scientists can identify specific variations in genes or cells linked to a condition. These biomarkers can be used to identify people with a particular disease, or those at risk of developing a disease. This insight helps guide the development of treatments.

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BIOTECanada: Canadian Biotechnology Companies Championing Treatments for Rare Diseases

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