Ruckus over FDA’s approval to food from cloned animals

The Food and Drug Administration is facing criticism over its recent preliminary approval to food from cloned animals as a consumer group has charged the agency for using flawed analysis. According to the Center for Food Safety, the FDA could not find studies on milk or meat from clones and whether they’re safe and the agency relied on studies done on cloned animals and whether they appeared healthy. Claiming that the conclusions drawn by the FDA was based on ‘scant data from few peer-reviewed studies’, Charles Margulis, a spokesman for Center for Food Safety, said: There isn’t the science to show that these foods are safe. I think the agency was heavily influenced by the biotechnology industry. Though FDA was tight lipped, Val Giddings, a scientist who consults with biotechnology companies, has come forward in FDA’s defence. According to Giddings an exhaustive amount of peer-reviewed data was the base of the conclusion. Giddings said: There’s not a single shred of data to suggest that food derived from clones or their offspring is in any way unsafe. All of what FDA has done here has been completely transparent. The FDA found that food from clones and food from conventional livestock has no virtual difference between and therefore special labels for cloned food would be necessary. Center for Food Safety might be in the process of waging a war against the FDA but Dean Foods Co. of Dallas has already decided to go against the idea of cloned food. Nations biggest milk company has decided it would not sell milk from cloned cows. The company’s decision was influenced by various surveys suggesting the dislike for dairy products from clones by Americans. Source.


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